
Talks (selection)

Is Anne Conway a Monist? 7th International Conference of the European Society for Early Modern Philosophy, FernUniversität in Hagen (September 2025)

Der vorkritische Kant und der Spinozismus. Talk at the Christian-Wolff-Gesellschaft, University of Halle (April 2025)

No Cognition, No Power. Reevaluating the ‘No Knowledge Argument’ in Early Modern Occasionalism. Cognitive and Conative Powers A Conference in Honour of Dominik Perler, University of Basel (March 2025)

Spinoza on Essence and Persistence. Spinoza on Power and Essence. Workshop at the Human Abilities Center for Advanced Studies, Humboldt University (February 2025)

Der vorkritische Kant und der Spinozismus. Research Colloquium: Topics in the History of Philosophy, University of Hamburg (January 2025)

Malebranche's Model of Agent Causation and the No Necessary Connection Argument. The Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy, Central European University, Vienna (October 2024)

Malebranche's Model of Agent Causation. XXVI. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, University of Münster (September 2024)

Malebranche's Model of Agent Causation. Göttingen Workshop in Early Modern Philosophy (June 2024)

Malebranche and Agent Causation. Talk at University of Groningen (June 2024)

Der vorkritische Kant und der Spinozismus. Halbgares und Philosophie (Lunch Talk Series), University of Göttingen (November 2023)

Malebranche on Agent Causation and Change. What brings about change? Historical perspectives from the middle ages to the 20th century, Online-Workshop organized by the DFG network Change and Change-Makers (October 2023) [video]

How many PSRs? Leibniz on Intelligibiltiy and Reasons. "The Bohemian Leibniz" - Logic and Metaphysics in Leibniz and Bolzano, University of Vienna (March 2023)

Human and Divine Abilities in Kant. Powers and Abilities in Early Modern Philosophy, Humboldt University in Berlin (March 2023)

Rationalismus und Theismus bei Leibniz. Talk at Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen (December 2022)

Kant's Possibility Proof and the Principle of Complete Determination. Analytic German Idealism, Humboldt University in Berlin (November 2022)

Kant's Possibility Proof and the Principle of Complete Determination. GAP.11, Humboldt University in Berlin (September 2022)

Kant's Possibility Proof and the Principle of Complete Determination. Colloquium for Theoretical Philosophy, Humboldt University in Berlin (May 2022)

Is Anne Conway a Monist? Annual Conference of the British Society for the History of Philosophy, University of Edinburgh (April 2022)

Humes Kritik an der Vertragstheorie. XXV. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Philosophie, Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen (September 2021, online)

Is Anne Conway a Monist? New Voices Talk Series: Early Modern Women on Knowledge, University of Paderborn (July 2021, online) [video] 

From Moral to Modal Voluntarism. Descartes on the Status of Moral Truths. Varieties of Voluntarism in Medieval and Early Modern Ethics, University of Würzburg (July 2021, online)

Monismus bei Anne Conway. Talk at the Department of Philosophy at University of Hamburg (June 2021, online)

Hume’s Empiricist Anti-Contractarianism. Talk at the 'Institutskolloquium' at Humboldt University in Berlin (November 2020, online)

Hume’s Empiricist Anti-Contractarianism. Virtual Early Modern Philosophy Workshop (August 2020, online)

Descartes’s Argument for Modal Voluntarism. Talk at the Via Moderna Series, University of Groningen (February 2020)

Conway on Species and Essences. Medieval Philosophical Gatherings, Humboldt University in Berlin (December 2019) [video] 

Presentation and Discussion of my paper 'Is Leibniz's Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles Necessary or Contingent.' Latest Work in Theoretical Philosophy, Humboldt University in Berlin (November 2019)

Rationalismus und Theismus bei Leibniz. Talk at Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen (November 2019)

Divine Essence and Finite Essences in Early Modern Philosophy. The Modal-Explanatory Nexus: A Dialogue between the Contemporary and the Early Modern Era, Humboldt University in Berlin (August 2019)

Conway on Species and Essences. Scottish Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy X, University of St. Andrews (May 2019)

Leibniz on the Modal Status of the PSR. PSR Conference, University of Hamburg (March 2019)

Descartes's Modal Voluntarism. Matter, Mind, and More, Humboldt University in Berlin (November 2018)

Spinoza on Essence and Modality. GAP.10 - Zehnter Kongress der GAP, University of Cologne (September 2018)

Berkeley on Causation, Cognition, and Volition. Causation and Cognition in Early Modern Philosophy, Humboldt University in Berlin (June 2018)

Spinoza on Essence and Modality. Nordic Workshop in Early Modern Philosophy, University of Helsinki (May 2018)

Presentation and Discussion of my book Leibniz' Metaphysik der Modalität". Séminaire Descartes, École Normale Supérieure, Paris (February 2018)

Spinoza on Essence and Modality. Talk at Rice University, Houston (January 2018)

Is Leibniz's Principle of Identity of Indiscernibles Necessary or Contingent? Colloquium for Theoretical Philosophy, Humboldt University in Berlin (January 2018)

Spinoza on Essence and Modality. (Aristotelian) Possibilities and Necessities, Tutzing (July 2017)

Leibniz and Kant on Representation and Minds. Together w/ Till Hoeppner. Colloquium for Theoretical Philosophy, Humboldt University in Berlin (June 2017)

The Modal Status of Leibniz's Principle of Identity of Indiscernibles. Leibniz on Mind and Metaphysics, Humboldt University in Berlin (June 2017)

Leibniz and the Puzzle of Independence. Nature, Mind, and Action in Leibniz, University of Turku (June 2017)

Leibniz and Kant on Representation and Minds (together w/ Till Hoeppner) The Finnish-Hungarian Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy, University of Turku, Finnland (May 2017)

Localizing Violations of the Principle of Sufficient Reason—Leibniz on the Modal Status of the PSR. Colloquium for Classical German Philosophy, Humboldt University in Berlin (December 2016)

Leibniz and Kant on Representation and Minds. (together w/ Till Hoeppner) Hallenser Seminar zur Philosophie der Neuzeit, Martin Luther University in Halle (November 2016)

Interpreting Leibniz's Modal Language. X. Internationaler Leibniz-Kongress, Leibniz University in Hannover (July 2016)

Leibniz's Rationalist Account of Persistence. Workshop on Early Modern Philosophy, Humboldt University in Berlin (July 2016)

Leibniz's Rationalist Account of Persistence. Spinoza-Leibniz Workshop: Lessons from, and for, Philosophy's History, Michigan State University, East Lansing (April 2016)

Rationalism and Theism. Talk at the Center for Thomistic Studies, University of St. Thomas, Houston (April 2016)

Leibniz on the Modal Status of the Principle of Sufficient Reason. Harvard History of Philosophy Workshop, Harvard University, Cambridge (March 2016)

Leibniz and Possible Worlds. Talk at Brandeis University, Waltham (March 2016)

The Modal Status of Leibniz's Principle of Identity of Indiscernibles. Wednesday Lunchtime Talk Series, Rice University, Houston (February 2016)

Localizing Violations of the Principle of Sufficient Reason—Leibniz on the Modal Status of the PSR. The History of Philosophy Roundtable, University of California San Diego (January 2016)

Comments (selection)

Comments on Maaike Korpershoek's Talk "Voltaire’s Élements and Du Châtelet’s Institutions: a dialogue on Leibnizian and Newtonian metaphysical themes ." THouGHtS Workshop, University of Groningen (June 2024)

Comments on Robert Matyasi's Talk "Spinoza on Essence and Determination." Seventh Berlin-Groningen-Harvard-Toronto Workshop on Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy, Harvard University, Cambridge (September 2018)

Comments on Robert Pasnau's "Lecture Three: Reductivism and Relationism." After Certainty: A Workshop with Robert Pasnau, Sorbonne Université, Paris (March 2018)

Comments on Martin Lin's "Chapter 5" (Modes). Workshop on Martin Lin's Book "Being and Reason. An Essay On Spinoza's Metaphysics", Humboldt University, Berlin (June 2018)

Comments on Matthew Wurst's Talk "Leibniz on the Doctrine of Striving Possibles and God’s Decision to Create." Sixth Berlin-Groningen-Harvard-Toronto Workshop on Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy, University of Groningen (July 2017)

Comments on William Sharp's Talk "Is Descartes the Prince of the Nullibilists?" 7th Humboldt/King’s Joint Graduate Workshop in Philosophy, King’s College London (June 2017)

Comments on Owen Pikkart's Talk "Leibniz’s Arguments for the Principle of Sufficient Reason." Mind, Matter, and Metaphysics, Humboldt University, Berlin (May 2015)